Saturday, May 14, 2011

Saturday Good Reads

Blogger went awry on Thursday, the posts for that disappearing and then reappearing on Friday (minus the comments). Google said they were doing maintenance and discovered corrupted files, and down the system went to fix it. It wasn’t the end of the world, but a lot of people run businesses from their blogs.

In spite of spite, there were still a lot of good posts this week.


How Many?” by Anne Lang Bundy at Building His Body.

BetaChristian Interview: Pastor Michael Perkins.”

In Awe of the Gift” by Jeanne Damoff at The View From Here.

An Elementary Guide to the Creative Process” by Kathy Richards at Katdish.

A Love Without End, Amen” by Billy Coffey at What I Learned Today.

Oh the Joys of Being self-Employed” by Peter Pollock.

Impact of eReaders on Writers” by Robert Lee Brewer at My Name Is Not Bob.

The Designer” by Duane Scott for Bibledude.

Let Yourself Shine” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.

Avoid Clichés Like the Plague” by Matt Appling at The Church of No People.

My inner 20-year-old asks how is life at 42? It’s strategic, son” by David Murray at Writing Boots.

Small Adjustments” by Charity Singleton at Wide Open Spaces.

Dear Blogger” by Michael Perkins at Untitled.


The Coffee Told” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

Groundwork” by Nancy Rosback at A Little Somethin’.

The Enlightened West” by Jim Schmotzer at Faithful Skeptic.

Ascension” by B.K. McKenzie at Signed…BKM.

Because She’ll Sing” by Adam Dustus.

The Birds” by Jerry Barrett at Under the Door Frame.

Shouts and Whispers” by Karin Fendick at Flickers of a Faithful Firefly.

Without Grace” by Jay Cookingham at Strategic Dad.

Thin Line” by Laura Boggess at The Wellspring.

Paintings and Photographs

Proverb” and “View with a Window” by Nancy Rosback at A Little Somethin’.

A Little Daydream” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

The Door” by Jeanne Damoff at The View From Here.

Rio in Medio 2,” oil on canvas by Randall David Tipton.

Photograph: Daisy Petals by Nancy Rosback. Used with permission.


  1. Always a nice selection, Glynn. I'm visiting some of these folks today. So sorry about the Blogger deal. I lost many, many comments.

  2. Love that you do this every week, Glynn -- I'm going to visit at least three this morning.

    And BTW, I made a donation to The High Calling this week!

  3. What an honor to be mentioned among such artisans.. we are all blessed by you Glynn, your words, your heart...

    thank you for allowing Christ to live through you

  4. Well, hello there. It's nice to meet you. I'm laughingly joining the blogging party a bit late. As I've been tip toeing around, perusing and feeling quite shy about the prospect of such things as tweeting poetry parties, your mug keeps popping up everywhere. So I finally feel comfortable enough to comment and say thank you for this post and pointing me in so many wonderful directions. A whole new world. :) Who'da thunk it?

  5. Thank you, Glynn. I'm happy to be mentioned among an excellent array of posts. Appreciate you highlighting your fellow artists. Cheers

  6. it's always an honor to make your list.

  7. thanks, Glynn.

    the kindness and Love that you project goes far and wide and touches many hearts.

    which is more powerful than... well, much more powerful than blogger being down for a day.

    wasn't that something? one day without blogger, someone could write a book on some of the different ways that it effected people's lives.

  8. It's always a privilege to be here and a joy to find the links you mention.

  9. THank you for linking "Thin Line", Glynn. Blogger didn't like it and deleted it! I had to re-post it. That was frustrating, wasn't it? Heading out to explore some of these good reads!

  10. I read several of these this week. I thoroughly enjoyed Jeanne Damoff's piece.

    Great roundup, Glynn. Thanks for your commitment to this.

  11. Thank you, Glynn. It never fails to humble and honor me to be included on this list.

    If Sunday is quieter, I plan to make it back to a few more of these that I didn't catch yet.

  12. You honor writers with your words.
