Sunday, January 30, 2022

Are you serious?

After Luke 14:25-33

Before you follow,

know the cost. And

there is a cost, always.

Can you walk away

from your parents,

from your spouse,

from your children?

Can you give up

the life you live now?

Can you bear a cross?

Can you accept the hate

and anger of those whose

ears burn when you speak?

Can you pray for those

who hate you, persecute

you, lie about you,

ridicule you, hurt you

with words, hands,

sticks, and stones?

Can you first

count the cost?


Photograph by Jordan Steranka via Unsplash. Used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. Too many of us don't stop to count the cost . . . May Jesus love and accept me where and how I am.
    Blessings, Glynn!
