Saturday, February 20, 2010

There Was a Barn Raising, Once

There was a barn
raising, once;
horses and cows
snorted and
jostled, once;
hay was baled and
lifted, once;
my father carried me
up the ladder to
the hayloft, once;
I lay on the floor
to fix the oil
leak on the
John Deere, once;
the we regret to
inform you
telegram came to
me there, once;
I lay dying while
they stored my
coffin there, once.

This poem was first (and mostly) published over at nAncY’s Just Say the Word in January. She posted a photograph of an old, dilapidated barn and invited comments in the forms of poems. I added two or three lines to the version above, essentially to round out the idea of encapsulating a man’s life.


  1. I loved this when you posted it a nAncY's and I love it now! :)

  2. yes, it absolutely must be a john deere. the word barn...will it disappear and become the word shed...instead.
    i just love barns made of wood.
    the feel of the wood with no insulation, the light. they are just plain beautiful.

  3. Ah, familar words, I remember them well. I hope Nancy will do this again.


  4. Wow. Your words touch this country girl deep. (I have a thing for barns.) The whole of it plays like a movie in my mind. How can such few words evoke so much detail? I need to learn this.

