Thursday, April 1, 2010

The 25th Day of Community: Corinne Cunningham

Wife of Lucas, mother of Paige and Fynn, Corinne Cunningham is a New Englander who blogs at Trains, Tutus and Tea Time. And she tells ordinary, and extraordinary, stories.

Try Navigating, where she yells at a town recreation worker.

Or something as prosaic as sugar cookies, which she turns into a love story (and recently reposted at Motherese).

Or a photo post of Paige and Fynn dying Easter eggs.

Or, one of my favorites of her posts, Cocoa Shenanigans.

Or try one of her guest posts (she’s in great demand), like at Crying Out Now. She’s told this story on her own blog, and you read it, not expecting what the story turns out to be. And you go back and read it again, and you’re stunned. Then the third time you’re hit with the reality of the story and her profound honesty in telling it. And you know why – to help and encourage others (and there are a lot of others).

Corinne struggles, like we all do, and writes about it. And then she struggles in different ways, and she writes about that as well. I read her posts, and I find love for others, love for her family and love for God.

So read her blog, follow her on Twitter, and be blessed.

(In December, a number of us participating in the “Twelve Days of Community” - see the button at the top right - sponsored by The High Calling Blogs. The purpose was to highlight the blog or web site of someone other than ourselves during the season of Advent and Christmas. I liked the idea so much that I’m continuing to do that -- highlight a blog or web site of a person whose thoughts and writing have had an impact on me and others.)


  1. Once again, you've directed us well.

  2. Thank you for sharing your found treasure. I will enjoy reading Corinne's blog.

  3. Oh Glynn... I'm stunned! :)
    Thank you! You've planted a smile on my face for the rest of the day
    (and I'm still laughing at your comment on my what's in your bag post yesterday!)
    We are all so blessed to have you in our blog world. Thank you.

  4. I love Corrine's writing. She's the real deal. :)

  5. I love her writing too. The good, the bad, the ugly woven into a lovely, warm blanket to cover us all. :)
