Friday, May 14, 2010

Saturday Good Reads

Many good things were on the web this week. While I was working through my blocking issues with Twitter, I’m thought about posting a few each of these each day instead of a whole bunch of them on Saturday. We’ll see.

And speaking of Twitter, my account has been fully restored. It turns out that somehow I got caught up in a spam cloud – whatever that is. Twitter apologized – it should never have happened.

I’m going to have to write a poem entitled “Ensnared in a Spam Cloud.”


An economist at the University of Chicago gives a short lecture on how we (and our politicians) use words.

My Mother” by John Blasé at Dirty Shame.

Monday Muse: D.C.’s Poet Laureate – Delores Kendrick” by Maureen Doallas.

How to Craft a Great Voice (in fiction)” by agent Nathan Bransford.

In Defense of Art and the Artist” by Don Miller.

The Myth of Calling” by Bradley Moore for the High Calling Blogs.

We Are Paper Snowflakes” by Billy Coffey for The Master’s Artist.

Fishing” by Anne Lang Bundy at Building His Body.

Thief of Something” by Stephen Parolini at Novel Doctor.

The Solidarity of Tears” by Brian Volck at The Image Journal.

Something happened on the road to cool: why the church will never ‘relate’” by David Rupert at Red Letter Believers.

Purpose in Every Step” by Jennifer Dukes Lee at Getting Down with Jesus.

Writing & Revenge” by Jessica McGuire at Jezamama.

Paper Cranes and Wishes” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.


The Jackal” and “The Last Will and Testament of…” by Pete Marshall at his own blog and “Alone in Her Dreams” at AuthSpot.

Silence” and “Torment” by Justinian at Delight and Glory and Oddity and Light.

All” and “Lyrics…can you hear the tune?” by Nancy at Poems and Prayers.

Inverted Vision” by Karen Eck at Phoenix-Karenee.

A Few Words for the Road” by Melissa at All the Words.

Silent Cry” by Kathleen Overby at Almost Paradisical.

Ode to a Social Network” by Heather at Madame Rubies Writes.

Toward Dawn” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.
"Lamp," photograph by Nancy Rosback. Used with permission.


  1. you know...i find myself thinking things would make a good poem. it is happening more and more in the last few months.

    i always feel surprised and honored when click on your page and see that you have used a photo.

    and thanks for the saturday good reads.

  2. Hi Glynn, many thanks for including me always appreciate your support...have a good weekend Pete

  3. I've wondered where you have been :) Glad the cloud decided to release you to create chaos and maheim again.

    Thank you for the mention...a vulnerable post for me, but I'm humbled to have it mentioned.
    Happy Saturday.

  4. I made the Saturday "Good Reads" list!? Yea! Thanks, Glynn.

    I'm anxious to peek at some more good reads. Looks like a great list.

  5. Gardening is keeping me from my normal blog reading. This is a nice way to catch up on golden words.

    Glad you're back. You were sorely missed. Thanks for your generosity towards all of us.

  6. Thank you for including me once again, Glynn. I appreciate your recognition of all of us.

    I'm curious about that spam cloud. I barely understand cloud computing, though I think it's cool. Spam clouding, however, is not cool.

  7. Looking forward to your "Spam Cloud" poem ... it's an honor and encouragement to be included on your list, Glynn. Thank you.

  8. Woot! I feel like someone gave me a Grammy or something whenever I make your Saturday post.
