Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturday Good Reads

Poetry, prose, fiction and even a video (which I suppose should be called a Saturday Good Watch)-- a lot of good stuff was posted this past week, and this is just some of it.


Prayer for the Class of 2010” by Fred Sanders at The Scriptorium.

"Traditional Now: Do Flowers Grow on Pork Chop Hill?" By Greg Sullivan at Sippican Cottage.

"The Dark Side of Emptiness" by Duane Scott (and a bunch of good posts on emptiness at the One Word Blog Carnival) and Duane's "Amongst His Promises."

Waiting on Empty” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.

Emptiness: Anna’s Story” by Sarah Salter at Living Between the Lines.

The Dangerous Vacuity of Our Public Discourse” by Carson Holloway at Public Discourse.

Asphalt Diaries” by Jeff Jordan at To My Children, If They Are Listening.

Emptiness” by Ginny at Make a Difference to One.

Mismatched” by Billy Coffey.


The Journey Home” and "Act IV - The Tomb" by Pete Marshall.

Barbie at Communion” by L.L. Barkat at Seedlings in Stone.

Fighting a Losing Battle” by Peter Pollock at Rediscovering the Church.

Catch a Falling Star” by Melissa at All the Words.

Nothing” by Leslie Moon at Moondustwriter.

Because some things do look more romantic as a ruin” and “Taliessen after the mass” by Justinian at Delight and Glory and Oddity and Light.

Throughout the day” by Nancy Rosback at Poems and Prayers.

These Voices” by Karen Eck at Phoenix-Karenee.

Flow” by John Blasé at Dirty Shame.

Done With Wings” by Chaplain Mike at Internet Monk.


She Found Her Peace” by James Schmotzer at The Faithful Skeptic.


We Con the World” by the Flotilla Choir.


  1. Happy Saturday! Honored to be among your good reads. :)

  2. Lots of great reads...thank you for sharing. :-)

  3. ahhh...saturday

  4. Thanks Glynn -- I am honoured that my poetry is amongst your reads -- and am thrilled to have the others reads to read today!

  5. Wow, umm, my 'poem' made it onto the list with real poets!

    Sorry everyone who actually knows how to write poetry, please don't be offended that I'm on there with you.

    THANK YOU, Glynn!
