Sunday, January 23, 2011

Night Burnings

Evening was dying into night
when she said she could do it,
would do it,
the wager unnecessary,
smoking, that is, without
choking, coughing,
a cigar, that is, but
it had to be a good one,
Cuban, preferably contraband,
so the man from Habana
handed his cigar
to the woman from Den Haag,
and she inhaled, exhaled,
smoke rising in circles from
leaves, washed down
with brandewijn, she called it,
burnt wine for burnt leaves;
as she laughed
a single wisp of smoke
a single drop of wine
glistening in the corner
of her smile.

To see other poems prompted by the photograph, please visit One Stop Poetry.

Photograph by Mike Roemer for One Stop Poetry. Used with permission.


  1. I can see it as a challange. Nice take. You really pound on the nouns. nice.

  2. Don't think I could smoke a Cuban without choking either Glynn ;) really enjoyed this different look at the photo

  3. Bravo! Very creative. Completely different than all the ones I've read thus far, Glynn. Can picture the wager and reaction vividly.

  4. Love the sense of daring and living on the edge you've put into this, as well as the fine imagery and the very humanizing character detail. A pleasure, as always, to read.

  5. You nailed this one! So can see this as a challenge, so can see him eating his words as the circles rise, that final tinge of the lost wager.

  6. Cigars are just nasty, yikes. But your poem is quite nice!

  7. i like how you started
    with evening
    dying into night

    and the sound of
    man from habana

    and the single wisp
    the single drop

    oh...and the three times drenched

    i guess i better stop picking it apart
    it isa

    very cool imaginative story
    well done, glynn

  8. What a great and different take on the prompt. So many different descriptions of the picture today, I think I like yours the best.

  9. What a wonderful and original take on the prompt! I love it! Some really great images here. "Sun-drenched/blood-drenched/fire-drenched" Fantastic use of repetition.

  10. This is one of your best. Strong imagery, a tender movement; you let your psyche into the scenario in fascinating ways! Bravo! j

  11. I'd like to see you do a series on the them of "Night Burnings"-- we need direct, honest poetry by men. xxxj

  12. Really nice take on this challenge the sun-drenched, blood-dreanched, fire-drenched...great sound to this...well done....bkm
