Sunday, April 10, 2011

Dorothy's Lament

You’ve had the power all along
she said but
you had to learn how to use it
she said so
I clicked my ruby slippers together
three times
there’s no place like home
there’s no place like home
there’s no place like home
but I forgot I was holding that
stupid green balloon
and it kept me stuck
in Oz.

This poem is submitted for One Shot Sunday at One Stop Poetry. To see other poems submitted and an interview with photographer Lauren Randolph, please visit the site.

Photograph by Lauren Randolph for One Stop Poetry. Used with permission.


  1. This is fun, Glynn. I like the idea of a balloon holding her down. :)

  2. "Stupid Green Balloon" lol One of the things I love about this image is that it has made me think "just let go of the balloon!" Let's see how high she can fly. The OZ reference works perfect for the fantastical nature of the image.

  3. Ha! honestly I didn't read any posts til I finished mine. Very good. "Balloon on the ground, balloon on the ground, lookin like a fool with a balloon on the ground."

  4. I'm working on a column on "Wizard of Oz" vs. "Wicked." This is very helpful!

  5. Great take on the image, Glynn. Some might argue that being stuck in Oz wouldn't be such a bad thing.

  6. I think I have been stuck there since I first saw the movie...dodging flying monkeys and seeking courage in talking read..bkm

  7. smiles. just let go of the balloon...nicely played glynn and a delight to read...

  8. Very clever take on the prompt! A delight to read, thanks. : )

  9. Great take! if only you had let go of the balloon.... smiles.

  10. I've always wanted to stay in Oz myself. I'd be hangin on for dear life.

  11. This is really fun, Glynn. A perfect read on a spring Sunday afternoon.

  12. Yep, a hoot. Make you wonder which way dreams pull us, anyway. - Brendan

  13. And Dorothy stayed in Oz; Glinda was not good and Elfaba didn't melt with the water and her blue guy didn't die. It's all there--just mash Baum, Wicked and the musical together and somewhere over the rainbow is a happy ending. Stop by mine for another look at the rainbow. It will extend tomorrow as we look at Shadormas.

  14. stuck in oz
    without a clue
    as toto flew
    over the rainbow
    his balloon
    was blue

  15. love this, Glynn, and the nod to Oz :)
