Saturday, April 2, 2011

Expectancy of Hesitation

You asked me to pose so I did,
but I thought what am I doing
I don’t have time for this
whose idea was
the green flower anyway
somehow you caught
the hesitation
it was more than that
the camera pulled my eyes
into oceans, my lifeboat
adrift but longing, desiring,
expecting something
how did you see I loved you

This poem is submitted for the Sunday Poetry Challenge hosted by One Stop Poetry. To see other poems prompted by the photo, please visit the site.

Photograph: Heather Nelson by India Hobson. Used with permission for One Stop Poetry.


  1. Ha! The camera didn't capture the diva being a little difficult. lol "the camera pulled my eyes
    into oceans, my lifeboat..."
    Excellent transition into finish—wasn't expecting the poem to flip the script like that. Excellent challenge response, Glynn

  2. You can tell a lot from the eyes, even in pictures I like this

  3. You do a great job of hauling us into the core of the photo by seeing its cyans and seafoam green. Those colors are what hallucinate, and the last lines of your poem soar there. - Brendan

  4. but I thought what am I doing
    I don’t have time for this

    The expression on the model's face agrees with your words!

  5. She does actually look a bit pissy, but she's gorgeous and captured beautifully by India. Great challenge response ;)

  6. nicely done glynn...i do like the flip...and i am glad he caught it...smiles.

  7. Beautifully done. I love what you see.

  8. Glynn,

    This is my first time posting on your blog, but well done. The eyes being referened as a lifeboat adrift was a fantastic metaphor for lost pondering into the abyss that those of us curious enough tend to do.


  9. This is an image for so many different take-offs. I like yours.

  10. so many times models exude that diva persona.this captures both divatude and sensitivity.nice write.

  11. Good capture, I also found her image provoking and hard to define, giving nothing while asking/taking. Nicely worked out here, with some very smooth ans speaking images.

  12. sailing the colour of oceans

  13. Wonderfully evocative take on the photo. I admire the way this moves from uncertainty to some resolution in the certainty love. I really enjoyed this. Very powerful imagery.

  14. wonderful...pulling the eye toward the ocean..great how you incorporated the colors of it here with the colors of love...very nice take..bkm

  15. lifeboat adrift but longing... Great imagination here. Such beauty.

  16. Absolutely "stop in your tracks" title. The ambiguity of the situation. The longing to be rescued yet not voicing it to the one she loves.

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I really love this, Glynn!

    the camera pulled my eyes
    into oceans, my lifeboat
    adrift but longing, desiring,
    expecting something
    how did you see I loved you

    An amazing and fantastic twist!

  19. Really fell into this piece, pulled into the ocean..and absolutely loved the title.

  20. I really like this ... the questioning and the question

  21. wow ~ I really love where you took this..from being so blase and surface, to going deep and introspective. Wonderful take for this photo prompt!
