Sunday, April 17, 2011


It can’t be helped.
I see verdant life,
light slipping
between the bars
of my window

forcing a way
into my darkness
like a seed
in a stone wall,
glowing with promise

shining with possibility
overwhelming with potential
hope forcing a way
into my darkness.
I reach but the bars

block my way
see don’t touch
see can’t touch,
my darkness forcing
a way into the light.

To see more poems prompted by the picture and several others, please visit One Shot Sunday at One Stop Poetry.

Photograph by James Rainford for One Stop Poetry. Used with permission.


  1. Great image of a seed in a stone wall glowing with promise—works wonderfully with prompt. Toward the end: "see don’t touch / see can’t touch," ...Awesome, sounds like the speaker is straining to reach. Thanks, Glynn

  2. well done.
    your words relate the feelings of being in a place of darkness but, reaching for the light. hope shining.

  3. This is a great picture and a clever metaphoric response to it.

  4. A wonderful piece on hope and possiblity...even in the darkest of places....bkm

  5. The light coming in is always positive and positivity is what a poem should always bring out

  6. It's amazing how the green, glowing, loving world seems just out of reach, like the brass ring on the merry-go-round, the life not lived forever just outside the walls of self. Very fine dig here - Brendan

  7. nicely played glynn, so close yet so far away...similar feeling i had when i saw the pic...happy sunday friend...

  8. I like how the light reaches to your darkness in the beginnin g and by the end your darkness is reaching for the light...that is a deep truth. Thanks for speaking into my life through your words.

  9. It's like that moment when my life stands still while everyone else is moving on. I seem stuck in a hospital bed or bad experience. I see others laughing and dancing. But I can't. Each day I inch toward the light until I am once again alive.

    Beautiful! Thanks Glynn!

  10. hope forcing a way into darkness and darkness forcing a way into light...

    good capture if things seem to be so close but somehow we're locked off and blocked and cannot get to them..

  11. This poem is particularly apt as we enter Holy Week.
    Good poem, Glynn.

  12. The neverending battle to find hope within the darkness... light glimmering, yet encumbered. Nicely written.

  13. Clever and inspirational metaphor Glynn. Hope springs eternal!

  14. those last two lines ... pondering them

  15. Intelligently simple is my favorite kind of construction and you've done that here; a perfectly executed turn, and an elusive, wise point that seems obvious when made, yet isn't. Always a pleasure to read your work, Glynn.

  16. And the light does slip in. What will we do with it?

    You always inspire, not with just your form and master of things literary, but with your reflections of His light.


  17. really great to read this thank you

  18. This so captures the feeling of being trapped, yet seeing the world denied the prisoner. Brilliant interpretation of the photo.

  19. Love the pic you picked for the posts and the two last lines are so deep.
