Sunday, July 3, 2011


Flags flown
barbeque pits fired up
fireworks exploded
parades watched
picnics planned
food consumed
work holidayed


a doctor left his patients
for certain inalienable rights

a farmer set aside his plow
to fight at Bunker Hill

a hale good fellow had
only one life to give

words spoken
words written
words believed

words more than words

and blood spilled

freedom’s not
just another word

This poem is submitted for One Shot Sunday hosted by One Stop Poetry. To see other poems, please visit the site.

This poem is also submitted for the Warrior Poet Circle, hosted by Jason Stasyszen. To see other poems submitted for the prompt of “freedom,” please visit Connecting to Impact. The links be live on Monday morning, July 4.

Photograph: American Flag by Petr Kratochvil via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission.


  1. Indeed. Freedom is an odd word isn't it because it is never free.
    Nice response to the prompt. Enjoy your time with your family.

  2. This is good, Glynn. So good.

  3. Excellent poem! I would like to copy this as I celebrate Independence Day. Thanks Glynn.

  4. a farmer set aside his plow...think this line touched me we all pray that freedom's not just another word..

  5. great write you express how every individual regardless of status contributed to allow our freedom, thank you for sharing

  6. When factions collide the only reasonable way to achieve "freedom" is time and compromise (Federalist #10). I think both are missing in the hype and overexposure of media in today's world. You remind us of the price paid for that freedom. Well done!

  7. Well said Glynn (as always).
    Sending you and your family wishes for a joyous 4th of July!

  8. One should never forget to count the cost of democracy and Independence, in whatever land you call home.

  9. Joining the others in commending how you recall what "freedom" means. Have a wonderful 4th!

  10. I love the way you went right where they were... they dropped everything to fight, so that we can drop everything and holiday.
    Glynn, I hope you are finding freedom from back pain this weekend. I am amazed by the support and encouragement of this community. I hope you find it returning to you ten-fold. Blessings. Patricia

  11. So true, Freedom is not just "another word." A nice reminder on this Independence Day weekend. Well done.

  12. If only we could fight with words ...
    Powerful piece my friend

    Happy 4th

  13. Thanks Glynn for reminding us what freedom costs. Great poem!

  14. I felt the sacrifice in your poem.

  15. Well said Glynn! freedom is never Free! great words and images you invoke.

  16. Great poem Glynn.

    And let us not forget, that true freedom is ours only by the flood that flows from Calvary†

  17. It is ironic, isn't it, that FREEDOM is such a costly gift. Unfortunately, once gained, it also often leads to apathy. thanks for reminding of its worth.

  18. Love this, Glynn! Puts it all into perspective-- a very valuable thing.
