Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Frederick Buechner and the Poetry of Understanding

Frederick Buechner is known for his novels, essays and sermons. Over the course of more than 60 years, he has produced some of the finest literary fiction in America, books like the Leo Bebb tetraology which established his reputation in the late 1970s. He wrote fictional accounts of two Irish saints, Godric and Brendan; Godric was a Pulitzer Prize finalist. With his novels, non-fiction, sermon collections and meditations, Buechner has published more than 30 books.

What I didn’t know was that Buechner also wrote poetry, including 16 poems that are about the suicide of his father when Buechner was 11.

To read more about the poems, please visit my post today at The Master’s Artist.

1 comment:

  1. Glynn. I'm not so much about poetry, but I do love Buechner. I'm headed over!
