Sunday, November 20, 2011

I Am a Temple

I am a temple.
He stands before me.
He turns over
my money tables.

I am a temple.
He lays hold
of my salesman.
He smashes their
cages of doves,

I am a temple.
He tears the curtain
of my holy of holies.

I am a temple.
He cleans out
the bazaar
I have made
of myself.

Photograph: Remnants of the First Century Stairs of Ascent to the entrance of the temple


  1. Glynn, this shocked me, stunned me, brought me to tears.


  2.! Glynn, this is so inspired. It's wonderful! I think this is my favorite. Bless you for sharing it with us.

  3. A beautiful, fresh insight... filled with his inspiration. I'm thankful you heard him and followed his lead with your pen.

  4. Amen. His work leads to peace and hope. It's just we don't sometimes understand. May God bless you and your family abundantly!

  5. This is a beautiful way to start the Lord's Day, Glynn.

  6. Ditto, all of the above, Glynn. I love this poem.

  7. As the first comment began with "Oh, my"... that's exactly what was hitting my heart before I even pulled the "comment" system into place. Worth carrying before the Lord and asking Him where those Temple portions need to be addressed very specifically in my life, where repentance needs to be infused. Thanks.

  8. I stand there too Glynn. This is so inspirational - so true.

  9. yes. one of your best Glynn. I love seeing the world through your heart.

  10. I've been thinking about "Do you not know that you are the temple of God?" a lot this year. This? This is beautiful ... I feel like it was written for the path I'm on. Thank you for sharing.

  11. My oh my....and then HE enters the temple....tears flow from this temple.
