Friday, December 16, 2011

A Day Full of News

Today started with seeing an interview of me talking about writing posted the The High Calling: “A Man of Many Good Words.” Maureen Doallas did the interview, and she is one of the best, if not the best, interviewers I’ve come across.

Maureen continued with the interview at Tweetspeak Poetry: Writing the Priest, Part 1.

Then I received an email from the site host that, my author’s site, had gone live. Thank you, Claire Burge, for designing the site and making it happen.

And then the doorbell rang. It was the man from UPS. In his arms was a box from the publisher.

It was full of dancing priests.

It’s been a day of dancing priests.

Dancing authors, too.


  1. You make me blush, even at my age! It was a pleasure and a treat to interview you and I look forward to Part 2 at TweetSpeakPoetry blog.

    How exciting to receive on the same day news of the Website and delivery of the books. (I remember choking up seeing a copy of my book the first time.)

    Do celebrate with Janet tonight!

  2. this song is playing...what a wonderful Christmas time! I think they're singing to you.

  3. High five to the UPS man! Wish it were me delivering it to you. Then I could get a signed copy!

  4. What a wonderful combination! Excellent interview on both sides.

  5. Thrilled at your good day. You are a good man

  6. YAY! Hope that thrill keeps coming, Glynn. You really deserve it.
