Saturday, January 28, 2012

Saturday Good Reads

A young violinist surprises Dave Brubeck at a concert in Moscow. Perry Block doesn’t want anyone in the grocery store to know he’s buying cream of wheat. A young family takes in two children their mother can’t care for. Erin Kilmer discovers the terrors of public toilets. John Blasé writes about red and black. An interesting shot of the “gerkhin” in London (aka City Hall). Lots of good stuff online this past week.

By the way, a few people have noticed this list is getting longer. There’s a reason: I’ve been tweeting for The High Calling, and I’m finding more good stuff.


This is what I do” by Travis Thrasher at The Journey is Everything.

My Advice to 20-Somethings” by Michael Perkins at The Handwritten.

Cream of Wheat Weather, Whether or Not” by Perry Block at Nouveau Old, Formerly Cute.

Impractical Magic” by Steve Parolini at Novel Doctor.

Putting Together the Pieces” by Charity Singleton at Wide Open Spaces.

In which I beg you to pray for us” by Emily Wierenga at Imperfect Prose.

The problem with ordinary gods” by Kathy Richards at Katdish.

Being the me I want to be” and Marching bands and the other music in life” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.

How to live well when life is wild” by Cassandra Frear at Moonboat Café.

Acts 2 is not a recipe for church” by Ryan Tate at The Compelling Parade.

Billy Coffey versus the vending machine” and “What a man looks like” by Billy Coffey at What I Learned Today.

A SLO Day: Spiritual Direction” and “A Grandfather Pastor? I Think So” by Diana Trautwein at Just Wondering.

The Terrors of Public Toilets” by Erin Kilmer at Together for Good.

Taekwondo on Sundays” By David Rupert at Red-Letter Believers.


Ahead of the Storm” by Mick Parsons at Fictions from the Dead Machine.

Wind Drift,” “Snow Print” and Hall Light” by Jerry Barrett at Parenthetically Speaking in 3D.

Caveat” and “Red and black” by John Blase at The Beautiful Due.

The Kids Must Know Something” by Robert Lee Brewer at My Name is Not Bob.

If (by the Kipling dog)” by Chris Smith at Welsh Poet.

Sydney Lea” by D.S. Martin at Kingdom Poets.

…resolves” by Monica Sharman at Know-Love-Obey God.

Grace Moves Slowly Around the Room” by Bradley Moore at And the Other Thing Is.

Increase/Decrease” by Linda Chontos at Linda’s Patchwork Quilt.

Because It Is My Heart” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

The last dispensation” by Steven Marty Grant at Urbanality

Paintings and Photographs

An Open and Shut Case” by J of India at Neither Use Nor Ornament.

London City Hall” by David Henderson at 19Sixty3.

Horizon” and “Rowena Weather-Watcher” by Timothy Good at Photography by Tiwago.

The Driver’s Perspective” and “Pinterest Pins” by Nancy Rosback at A Little Somethin’.

Blog post 24 – six photos” by Lambert.

Getting There” and “Blue Thursday” by Steve Gravano at Take a Look Around.

It Isn’t Pretty” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment. (And read the text, too.)

Short Stories

My Grandfather’s Ship” by Joshua Spotts at Spott’s Short Stories


Shakespeare: Original Pronunciation” by The Open University.

Dave Brubeck with young Russian violinist,” a surprise improve at the Moscow Conservatory

Photograph: Breadline, sculpture at the FDR Memorial, Washington, D.C., by Peter Griffin via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission.


  1. Glynn, what you do every Saturday is such a gift. Whenever I can, I clear a space to just sit and click through.

    Can you spell e-n-c-o-u-r-a-g-e-m-e-n-t?

  2. ooh!ooh!ooh! Just watched the Shakespeare video. I am in love! Now I'm dying to see a production done with the old pronunciation. This makes so much sense, poetically.

  3. Thank you Glynn for the inclusion of two of my posts. You really are the epitome of the definition of the word 'encouragement'.

    I listened and watched the Brubeck piece (one of my favourite jazz pianists) -- fabulous!

  4. Glynn,

    Great to be mentioned as a Good Read along with so many excellent writers here on "Faith, Friends, and Fiction."

    What a testament (is is okay to use that word?) to your dedication to the arts and helping fellow writers!

    Now when's the party and what can I bring?

  5. As always, thank you for including me among so many other talents offering great posts.

  6. ~


    may all receive their daily bread
    and may it not go to our head
    every day we can be fed
    to live and go where we are lead

  7. What you do here is such a gift of encouragement! Thank you - TWO this week. Unbelievable. I'm clearing space later today to click through these - it's always interesting and enjoyable.'s book 2 coming along, Glynn? Not that I'm anxious at all. :>)

  8. Thank you so much Glynn. I can't properly express what it means to be chosen by you to be in such company.
    You are such a generous encourager.
    Thank you.

  9. Thank you, Glynn ... for all of this.
