Thursday, February 9, 2012

A process and an interview

Yesterday, Nancy Franson posted a review of Dancing Priest at her blog, Out of My Alleged Mind (I like that title). Nancy read the novel while on her exercise bike, and I left a comment that said I had done the same thing in December – the first time I had actually read the book as a story instead of a manuscript.

Well, Sheila Seiler LaGrand, who blogs at Godspotting, left a comment and said she’d like to hear that story. Far be it from me to pass up an opportunity to talk about the book (Department of Shameless Marketing).

The story that became Dancing Priest percolated in my head for three years, and then I started putting words on paper (or on the computer screen) in the fall of 2005. It was not coincidental that it was right after Hurricane Katrina – which my then 82-year-old mother and 85-year-old aunt rode out together at my mother’s home in New Orleans. Yes, they had the opportunity to leave but chose not to. Fortunately, my mother’s house sits on some of the highest land in the area, what’s called the Metairie Ridge, and she didn’t experienced flooding. It took four days to get them out of the city, but they finally were able to leave.

I started writing the story not long after that. I needed to, I think. I had been confronted with the impermanence of life and however that worked in my head (or my heart), and I starting writing the story down.

Writing, rewriting and revising was what I did for the next five years. The only thing that remained the same was the working title of Dancing Priest. But for me, the story was never really a story in the conventional sense. It was always a manuscript, a document to be worked on over and over. It gave birth to a second manuscript, and then a whole series of manuscript children. But Dancing Priest was always a manuscript, and it was always work.

I had two weeks off from work in December, and spent a fair amount of time on a machine at the local Y called the NuStepper (a good exercise machine, similar to a stationary bike but without the pedaling; it’s good for people with herniated discs). I had my iPad with me, and the iBook version of Dancing Priest. And so, for the first time, I read Dancing Priest straight through as a novel, as a story, and not as a manuscript.

I experienced the book in a completely different way. Yes, I knew what was going to happen, but I read it like any reader would read it – as a story.

When I finished reading it, I had one thought. It’s a pretty good story. And then I had a second thought: It’s a big story, with lots of characters and some sub-plots and all kinds of things going on. And a third thought: I wonder when the sequel’s coming out. Oh, right, I’ve got some control over that.

I will also admit that, despite the number of times I have read the words and the sections and the scenes, I cried at two parts. I quietly looked around the exercise room at the Y before dabbing my eyes.

Since then, after reading the reviews, I’ve gone back to parts of the novel cited or quoted, fascinated with what people have said or the sections they’ve cited.

After all these years, I’m still surprised that Michael Kent and Sarah Hughes have stepped out of my head and my computer and into the light of published day.

Update: I was interviewed about the book on a radio program Monday, but the tape isn’t available on line. It was radio station WYDE in Birmingham, Alabama, and the program is syndicated in eight states. The interview lasted five minutes. I discussed what the story was about, and how it was a romance that even a man would read and enjoy (plug for Valentine’s Day).

The key question I was asked: “Okay, so I know Michael Kent is a British citizen, but if he could vote tomorrow in the Missouri primary election, who would he vote for?” After a stab of cold terror, I said, "Yes, he is a British citizen.” Slight hesitation, as I weigh if I should answer the question or not. “But if he could vote, he would vote for ___” and then I named a candidate. The interviewer shouted “YES! That was the right answer!” and then asked why. I said that the candidate I named was a conservative with heart, and heart was what Michael Kent was all about. She then said she had endorsed that candidate last week.

Any guesses as to the candidate I named?


  1. Sorry Glynn. Gotta answer idk. I don't live in MO so have no clue who is running. :) As for the book, you know my thoughts. As for a sequel????????

  2. Glynn,
    Thank you for this! You're so obliging. :)

    And you're right. It is a big story. Thank you for writing it. As for Michael's choice for president: dunno.

  3. Definitely looking forward to the sequel. Hmmm did you pick Rick Santorum? I don't know much about him but what I saw seemed interesting.

  4. What fun, finding the conversation that began over at my place has wandered over here. I didn't mention how impressed I was by the number of story lines you were able to weave together. I kept thinking to myself, "How does he know how to do that?" I just decided it was a gift.

    I'm don't want to wade into Michael's politics. I prefer thinking about him rolling up his sleeves and getting his hands dirty--for the kingdom.

    Glad you like the blog title.

  5. michael kent
    for president
    that rhymes!

  6. Glynn, the only thing wrong (tongue in cheek) with you reviewing such intriguing titles, yours included, is that it's impossible to know where to start. My 'Must Read' list gets longer every week. Looking forward to reading yours soon.

    p.s. I have a piece about NOLA on my January blog list....we lived there way back when.

  7. How lovely that you were able to read your 'manuscript' as a story and to truly enter into it. It is such a fine story. And I'm glad you have 'some control' over the sequel(s???) Waiting out here....patiently, of course. :>)

  8. I was fortunate enough to have won a copy of Dancing Priest on Katdish. I just finished reading it this past weekend and in addition to wowing my children with how quickly I can read, I really enjoyed the story. Of course, those two points are closely linked, I'm sure. The first couple of chapters were tough for me to really connect to the characters (which is my issue, it's been a while since I read fiction) but once I did, it was a real and tangible connection. You managed to write a book that was real and didn't hold back on the ugly side of life to be soothing to the reader, nor were you shocking in displaying that reality for the sake of shock itself. Since it had been so long since I'd read a work of fiction, I'd forgotten that delightful let down at the end, where you feel accomplished in completing it, but saddened that it's over. Can't wait for a second installment! I highly recommend it.
