Saturday, August 4, 2012

Saturday Good Reads

An abandoned subway station in New York City. The Olympics. Billy Coffey asks “What’s your sign?” Maureen Doallas writes poems – from titles on book spines (and they are great poems). And did you ever consider that the Biblical character of Rahab had a job?

It was another good week for good stuff on the internet.


The Cosmic Significance of the Cross of Christ” by Anita Mathias at Dreaming Beneath the Spires.”

The Journey” by Kathy Richards at Katdish.

Olympic Fever” by Amanda Hill at Hill + Pen.

Rahab Had a Job” by Darlene at Simply Darlene.

What’s your sign?” by Billy Coffey at What I Learned Today.

The Slow Growth of Ideas” by Chris Yokel.


Homecoming” by John Blase at The Beautiful Due.

Julia Spicher Kasdorf” by D.S. Martin at Kingdom Poets.

Book Spine Poems” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

There’s a House on My Block” by Greg Sullivan at Sippican Cottage.

The Screw” by Harriett Gillham at The Other Side of the Mountain.

He Who Has Ears to Hear” by Chris Yokel.

Carnations” by Nancy Rosback at A Little Somethin’.

Paintings and Photographs

New York’s Lovely Abandoned Subway Station” at Atlantic Cities (HT: Maggie’s Farm).

A Red Letter Day” by Susan Etole at Just…A Moment.

Go on, St. Thomas” by Jack Baumgartner at The School of the Transfer of Energy.

Rings” by Tim Good at Good Photography.


Un Passo Verso Te” by Mario Frangoulis.

Photograph: Sepia Big Ben by Petr Kratochvil via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission.


  1. Thank you for that shout-out. I'm blushing. (Still have lots of books left. That prompt is fun, so I might give it another go.)

    Loved the NYC subway photos.

    Have a great weekend.

  2. Sir Glynn, thanks for the inclusion in this grande line-up. Have yourself a blessed weekend!

    ~ Darlene

  3. Had to come back and say kudos for finding that link on the subway images (like miss Maureen already noted). Great history and photos.


  4. That story (and the photos) of City Hall station is amazing -- imagine abandoning such beauty!

  5. super dooper list :-) thanks!

  6. Always appreciate this ... always.
