Sunday, September 2, 2012

The Rebellion of Belief

I didn’t intend to be a rebel
to upset the notions preconceived
and otherwise but that’s what
happened I guess I was part
party-animal part something serious
part something else hungry
starving in spirit life careening
which was ridiculous but it
appeared so normal but it wasn’t
like Frost’s diverging road instead
a downward spiral begun
but for reasons unknown even
to me I grabbed hold clinging
choosing to believe
and it was good

This poem is submitted to the “Art of Rebellion” prompt at dVerse Poets. To see more poems submitted, please visit the site.


  1. I grabbed hold clinging
    choosing to believe
    and it was good

    loved his close...really liked the whole poem!...when our spirits stare we have to find something...let go of what we 'should' do and find our own ways...and this very well written poem spoke to me about this completely

  2. the sum of your parts is greater than...ha....a little wild spirit starved person is not a bad mix you know....

  3. This lovely poem resonates within my heart.


  4. Clinging on, choosing to believe... so significant, a lesson learned many times a little too late. Never give up the hope.

  5. God probably came and grabbed you up by the scruff of the neck...

  6. Reminds me a bit of the "hound of heaven" in pursuit of us.
