Sunday, December 2, 2012

The more

The more I wash
the leper’s wounds,
the more I see
my own uncleanness.
The more I feed
the hungry’s mouths,
the more I feel
my own starvation.
The bread is broken;
the wine is poured out;
memory renewed.

Photography by Ximo Pastor via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission.


  1. the more....yes. beautiful piece.

  2. the bread broken
    My body
    the wine poured out
    My blood

    you are broken
    My grace pours out

    eat the bread
    remember Me
    drink the wine
    remember Me

    remember how
    I am with you

  3. Really nice poem for Sunday. Our church holds Communion every first Sunday, wish, along with the traditional, your poem and Nance's could be shared as well. Wonderful.

  4. Beautiful and thought provoking.
