Thursday, May 30, 2013


I sort through a box
of old photographs my mother
asked me to sort through
and I find one of my father
as a young man, younger
than my youngest son,
standing with his three sisters
and I can see he looks like me
at that age except I don’t have

Photograph by George Hodan via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission.


  1. different age brings different perception and windows of opportunity for understanding and forgiveness to take place.

  2. At first I thought maybe that was a wee you peeking over a young your dad's shoulder. I like thinking maybe you did something like that then.

  3. As I am rather a blend of both my parents, seeing such a photo as you saw would take my breath away. It's the feeling I got when I saw my mother's grandmother's photo, and the eerie likeness between the two. Now, I look at my granddaughter, and know she strongly resembles my son-in-law's side of the family. I think all we share are blue eyes and a sense of humor.
    Always touched by your poems, Glynn! Blessings!
