Sunday, June 16, 2013

The Theology of Puddles

It’s just a patch of dirty water,
nondescript, huddled by the curb,
silently waiting for evaporation
as it reflects upon its short life,
when it is suddenly catapulted
into eternity by the sandaled feet
of a three-year-old boy.

Over at dVerse Poets, the poetry prompt is the beauty of everyday things. I don’t think I could find something more prosaic than a mud puddle. To see more poems responding to the prompt, please visit dVerse Poets.

Photograph by George Hodan via Public Domain Pictures. Used with permission.


  1. ha and i imagine it finds no little joy in the squeeel and titter as the boy runs on, carrying a little bit of it on his ankles...smiles...

  2. Puddles for a 3-year is true beauty... and the muddier the better. Like the changed POV. and the title just brilliant.

  3. 3 year old? i still turn into one when i see puddles. such fun :)

  4. love how it builds up to the last line... and that final line just makes you go 'awww'.
    beautifully done!

  5. love the use of the mud puddle, very much an excellent imagery and metaphor in itself, the three year old boy adds a ton of depth to the piece as well. Great write Glynn. Thanks

  6. what a way
    to go
    in a shooting
    arc of play

  7. Balanced so well on this middle line:

    "as it reflects upon its short life,"

    A lovely write.

    ~ M
