Eliot called him England’s greatest living poet, and described his novels as
“supernatural thrillers.” He was responsible for the first major translation of
the writings of Soren Kierkegaard into English. He wrote plays, criticism, and
essays. And he was a major influence on at least one of C.S. Lewis’s novels.

first encountered his writings in the early 1980s. Eerdman’s published new
editions of seven of his novels – Descent into Hell, The Place of the Lion, Shadows of Ecstasy, Many Dimensions, The Greater
War in Heaven and All Hallow’s Eve. They are
clearly Christian fiction – but almost unrecognizable from what we know as
Christian fiction today. The seven are complex works; they must be read slowly
to grasp what is happening in the stories. Eliot’s “supernatural thrillers”
gets at some of what they’re about; “supernatural thriller, mystery, theology
philosophy, cultural commentary” may be a bit closer but still doesn’t
adequately describe this extraordinary books.
also wrote poetry, and three of his collections were republished in 2007 by the
Apocryphile Press as part of their Inkling Heritage Series: The Silver Stair (1912), Poems of Conformity (1917), and Windows of Night (1925). The
works are largely formal, rather classical poetry, with recognizable forms,
rhyming schemes, and meter.
The Silver Stair includes a
significant number of love poems, love toward women as well as the Virgin Mary.
Poems of Conformity is a collection
of theological poems, but that’s a generalization; there are other subjects and
themes, too. Windows of Night is a
more general collection, and includes a number of beautiful sonnets.
is whimsy here as well, and fun, humor and laughter. One free verse poem in Windows of Night is a particular
On Meeting Shakespeare
saw Shakespeare
a Tube station on the Central London:
was smoking a pipe,
had Sax Rohmer’s best novel under his arm
a cheap edition),
the Evening News.
was reading in the half-detached way one does.
had just come in from an office
the notes for The Merchant
in his pocket,
(it was the first line he thought of)
quiring to the young-eyed cherubins,’
his chief wish was to be earning more money.
(Sax Rohmer is largely
forgotten today, but he was the author of the Fu Manchu stories extraordinarily
popular in the 1920s.)
all of the poems in these volumes are as accessible as “On Meeting Shakespeare;”
many anticipate the complexity of his novels written in the 1930s and 1940s. But
together they are a piece of literary significance. Not every writer can claim
to have influenced both T.S. Eliot and C.S. Lewis.
Related: Yes, there is a Charles Williams Society, based (where else?) in the United Kingdom.