Friday, January 2, 2015

Both of My Novels Free on Amazon Kindle Today

It's free ebook Friday on Amazon today and each Friday in January. Both of my novels, Dancing Priest and A Light Shining, are free on Amazon Kindle today.

Dancing Priest has been called "required reading for young men," "moving," "emotional, sweet, heartfelt and uplifting," "a wonderful story," "captivating," and "I couldn't put it down."

A Light Shining has been described as "a story filled with mystery and intrigue," "totally engrossing," and "do not start reading unless you intend to stay up way past your bedtime." (One reader sent me an email, saying "you better not kill off Michael Kent.")

If you'd like more background on the books, you can read "'Dancing Priest:' The Writing Process" and  "The Story of 'A Light Shining,'" both of which were published here at Faith, Fiction, Friends.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you! I just shared this news with friends, because I find your novels to be different in a really delightful way.
