Friday, January 26, 2018

Cities once so vibrant

After Ephesians 1:20-23, 3:18-19

Those cities once so vibrant,
filled with people and commerce,
sights and sounds, always
the sounds of life throbbing
and growing, cloaking
themselves in proud names:
Ephesus, Philippi, Colossae,
Corinth, and not just Antioch
but Pisidian Antioch as well,
to differentiate younger
from older, Smyrna, Pergamum,
Sardis, Thyatira, Laodicea,
Philadelphia, names flowing
from the tongue like great dramas,
Greek dramas, dramas now shrouded
by the closed curtain, and now
behind the curtain lies only outlines
in stone, implications without certainty,
suggestions only of the wife
shouting down the street
at her husband or child. Instead,
only the sounds of the wind
are heard, wind without memory,
the taste of aging dust.

Photograph by Megan Sanford via Unsplash. Used with permission.


  1. Good Morning! Love this imagery...yes, so much has changed since we heard of these cities in biblical much has changed in our world since Jesus came!
    On another note, I have recently purchased all three of your books, and am currently reading Dancing Priest. I have to tell you that I am loving it, and am so glad I bought all three at once so I can move on to the next when I finish the first. Thank you for writing such enjoyable books!!

  2. Pamela - thank you so much! I hope you enjoy them! My wife has not yet read Dancing King; we wanted to reread the first two. She's finished Dancing Priest and is now on A Light Shining.

    Please let me know what you think. If you want more detail for background, this is the site for the books:

  3. Thank you for the link to your website. I didn't want to read too far on the info about Dancing King, since I am just now in the middle of A Light Shining. I am enjoying these books immensely...there is enough action, mystery, intrigue and romance to keep them vibrantly interesting...I try to discipline the time I allot for reading to the evening after supper, etc., (unless it is a particularly quiet day with nothing to do) I look forward to a couple of hours of pleasant entertainment that keeps me wanting more. Thank you. You definitely have a gift for writing!
