Friday, February 12, 2021

Great fear

After Acts 5:1-11

A man dies for his deception,
a woman dies for aiding and
abetting deception. Not just
eventually but right at 
deception’s revealed moment.
The people, the witnesses,
see the deception, 
see the penalty immediate,
and are seized with a fear,
a great fear, and those
not there, but only hear
the story later, are seized
with a fear,
a great fear,
a trembling of the heart,
a trembling of the soul.
This God, our God,
is the God who knows
all things, even
the dark places
of the human heart.

Photograph by Olesya Yemets via Unsplash. Used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful, Glynn! Yes, our God knows us through and through.
