Friday, April 23, 2021

The original for which all the others are named

After Acts 9:3-6

The walls and buildings of Damascus
are in sight, the next step in the journey
to destroy the heresy about to be made,
the self-gratification about to intensify,
when the original light from which all others
derive, the original voice from which
all others are heard, the original experience
from which aa others will follow,

First, the blinding light from heaven,
so blinding and so stunning that he falls
to the ground.
Second, the calling of his name, twice.
Third, the question, the accusation, 
a statement of truth: why 
do you persecute me?
Fourth, the response, also a question 
one that understands and anticipates 
the answer: who are you, Lord?
Fifth, the answer, another statement
of truth: the one you persecute,
the One identifying with the many.
Sixth, the command, go to the city
and wait to be told what to do.

Photograph by Ray Fragapane via Unsplash. Used with permission.

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