Sunday, May 16, 2021

Logical progression

After Ephesians 1:15-22

He was nothing if not
logical, speaking and
arguing with that razor
sharp mind of his, and
the logic continues,
even though it’s not
an argument or
discussion, but a report,
some welcome news,
so he gives thanks,
he prays for them,
he prays very generally
and very specifically,
for them to receive
a spirit of wisdom 
and revelation, so that
hearts are enlightened,
hearts know the hope,
the hope that is calling,
the riches of inheritance,
the power extended,
the power of a death and
resurrection extending
above all other power
and authority for all time,
and all that in one breathless
this-follows-that sentence.

Photograph by Jeff Frenette via Unsplash. Used with permission.

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