Sunday, November 14, 2021

When in doubt

After Luke 24: 36-43

When he appears

among them, without

sign or warning,

not there one moment

and there the next,

and says peace,

they feel anything but.

Peace? Are you serious?

You died, and here

you are. Peace? How

about fear, and shock?

No, he offers peace:

set aside the questions

in your hearts, and 

consider: does a ghost

have flesh and bone?

Can a ghost let you

see and feel the wounds

in his hands and feet?

And by the way, is

there anything to eat?


When in doubt, touch,

and eat fish.


Photograph by Jonathan Borba via Unsplash. Used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. That last line is inspired, Glynn! Really brought the message home for me.
