Sunday, January 23, 2022

Hothead speaks truth

After Matthew 16:13-20

Asked the question

who do you

say I am,

it is the hothead

who answers first.

The Christ. The Son.

The Son of the Living God.

And for this act of faith

revealed not by human

understanding but by spirit,

by confession,

Simon becomes Cephas,

Cephas becomes Petrus,

Petrus becomes stone,

the foundation stone

upon which will be built

the body, the ones

called out from the crowd,

the ones who will tear

down the gates of hell,

the ones holding

the keys of heaven.


Photograph by Barrie Johnson via Unsplash. Used with permission.

1 comment:

  1. The foundation stone for the chief cornerstone . . . How fitting for this hothead!
    Blessings, Glynn!
