After Matthew 7:1-6
You see it; it’s obvious,
the speech in his eye,
the flaw in his character,
the behavior so objectionable,
the preference so distasteful,
the affinity so obnoxious,
the comment so ignorant,
the belief so ridiculous,
the choice so misguided,
the heresy so malignant,
the lie so obvious,
the politics so deplorable.
So much to criticize,
and so little time.
But that speck, that mite,
is insignificant compared
to the attitude that judges
first and asks questions
later, that log of prejudice
that comes from the unjustified
sense of superiority, that log
that blinds your eyes
and closes your heart.
Photograph by Alex Kadrow via Unsplash. Used with permission.
Simply marvelous, Glynn; you've spoken volumes of truth in this short, meaningful words.