Friday, August 11, 2023

One, then seven

After Hebrews 11:29-31

Strangest battle instruction

ever: march around the city

once each day for six days;

not a word to be spoken

during each day’s march.

Not a word. Silence rules.

Then march around the city

seven times on the seventh day.

When you hear the trumpets,

shout with a great noise.


In truth, this has less to do

with the physical effects

of a march and more to do

with obedience, even if it’s

obedience to strange commands.

And the people, having been

tested and refined for 40 years

of wilderness, obeyed.

The walls fell.

The battle was won.

The battle was won

before the walls fell.


Photograph by Hasan Almasi via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


Where Does Mission Happen? – Seth Porch at Desiring God.


The Wombwell Rainbow Interviews: Poet Julie Stevens – Paul Brookes.


The Weeds – poem by Seth Lewis.


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