After Luke 7:36-50
The woman weeps and anoints
his feet; the man, the host, a man
known to follow the law, likely
congratulates himself for inviting
the man to dine. How freethinking.
How liberal. How progressive.
But the guest points out what’s
obvious: that the woman
of contrition, the woman
of weeping, loves him more
than the man who follows
the law.
Photograph by Mahdi Bafande via Unsplash. Used with permission.
Some Sunday Readings
“I Open the Window” – poem by Jane Hirschfield at Literary Hub.
The State We’re In – Matthew Hosier at Think Theology.
Bible debates, ancient and modern: why did the early church choose only four gospels? – Richard Ostling at Get Religion.
Yes, she does! So beautifully expressed here, Glynn.