Friday, October 27, 2023

Remembrance and betrayal

After Luke 22:12-23

It is here, the final 

Passover meal he

knows they will

share together. His

words confuse; he

speaks of imminent

suffering. He takes

a cup, calling

the wine his blood,

telling them to divide

it among themselves

and drink it. He takes

the unleavened bread,

breaking it, and calls

it his body. And they

are to drink the wine

and eat the bread

in remembrance. And

there’s more: He tells

them that the one who

betrays him sits 

at the table, one

who has eaten

the bread and

drunk the cup.


Photograph by Valentina Fischer at Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings 


The Colosseum – Br. Roland Wakefield at The Imaginative Conservative.


Sin – two poems by Gwenallt at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin).


America’s professor: the afterlife of C.S. Lewis – David Davis at The Spectator.


Glorifying War? Reflections on Hollywood’s 1951 Adaptation of The Red Badge of Courage – Heath Anderson at Emerging Civil War.


Fogs & Smogs of Old London – Spitalfields Life.


My Old Friend is Ripping Down Posters of Kidnapped Children – Candace Mittel Kahn at The Free Press.

1 comment:

  1. Such an elegant retelling of the so familiar story, Glynn.
