Friday, February 9, 2024

The mountains stand

After Psalm 125

The mountains stand

in their splendor and awe,

the mountains that

cannot be moved, forever.

The mountains surround

the city, a protective all

for the people within.

Evil does not rest upon

the people within;

evil cannot rest upon

the people enclosed,

now and evermore.


Like the mountains,

So, too, the Lord.


Photograph by Luke Richardson via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


Amazing Grace in Deep Despair: The Rare Friendship of Newton and Cowper – Bruce Hindmarsh at Desiring God.


The Parenting Book Too Few Parents Read – Tim Challies. 


Customer Service – poem by Paul Witenberger.


Paradise Island – poem by Paul Freeman at Society of Classical Poets.

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