Friday, May 31, 2024

A fearful thing

After Hebrews 10:29-12:3

Even against the worst

of those, those who offend,

those who persecute, those

who cheat and defraud you,

even against those,

vengeance is not yours.

You have no license for payback;

you have no right to exercise

an eye for an eye. Vengeance

is not yours. Vengeance 

belongs to the Lord, for

the wrongs against you

are committed against him.

Even against the worst

thrown against us, we do not

strike back. Instead, we hold

to faith.


Photograph by Peter Forster via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


Carved in the Ground: St. Brigid’s Well, County Westmeath – Paul Kingsnorth at The Abbey of Misrule.


Bringing the Scary Things into the Light – Lara D’Entremont at A Faithful Imagination. 


Sonnet from the Ephesians – Barbara Crooker at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin). 


The Actual Divisive Ones – Mitch Chase at Biblical Theology.

1 comment:

  1. I sorely needed to hear your words today, Glynn. Vengeance belongs to God alone.
