Sunday, May 19, 2024

Holy places

After Hebrews 9:1-28

There were holy places

served by priests and

a most holy place served

by the high priest, only

once a year, after 

a sacrifice was made,

only then, a sacrifice

offered for the people

and himself. Those

holy places, that most

holy place, were only 

copies, facsimiles

of the heavenly places.

One set of holy places

was made by man;

the other set is

the originals, heavenly,

perfect. The sacrifice

for the heavenly places

has been made, blood

sprinkled, people

cleansed and saved. All

other sacrifices are

now obsolete.


Photograph: the tower at Canterbury Cathedral.

Some Sunday Readings


Triptych of a Cynic – poem by Tyler Rogness at Rabbit Room Poetry.


Pursuing the Presence of God – Matthew Hosier at Think Theology.


Leading with Hope During Challenging Times – Dr. Andrew Spencer at the Institute for Faith, Work, & Economics.


The judgement of getting exactly what we want – Stephen Kneale at Building Jerusalem. 


Grace Has Taught Our Hearts to Fear – Greg Morse at Desiring God.


Stay in My Heart – Valerie Stivers at First Things Magazine on Kristin Lavransdatter bvy Sigrid Undset.

1 comment:

  1. No other sacrifice is needed because the Son made it for us once and for all.
    Blessings, Glynn!
