Friday, May 24, 2024

The perfection

After Hebrews 10:12-25

A single offering,

a single sacrifice,

most fragrant of all,

most pleasing of all, 

and then the offering,

the sacrifice, sat

at the right hand,

sat, waiting until

the footstool for his feet

was made, a footstool

of enemies, defeated.

His sacrifice perfected

all being sanctified,

perfected for all time,

no further sacrifice

needed or necessary.

It is finished.


Photograph by Milad Fakurian via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


The Unsung St. Nicholas – Joseph Pearce at the Imaginative Conservative.


Wandering in Silence – David Bannon at Front Porch Republic.


The Shepherd Boy – poem by John Bunyan at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin). 


That Time Paul Gave Timothy a Quote from Luke’s Gospel – Mitch Chase at Biblical Theology.


Responsibility and Blame Culture – Bill Grandi at Living in the Shadow.


The Conversion of John Randolph – Miles Smith at The Imaginative Conservative. 


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