Sunday, May 12, 2024

We have a priest

After Hebrews 8:1-13

We have a priest

like Melchizedek.

We have a priest

who sits in heaven.

We have a priest

seated at the throne.

Sacrifices are no longer

required, as he was

the sacrifice.

We have a priest who

replaces earthly ones.

We have a priest who

eliminated the need

for earthly priests.

We have a priest who

replaces earthly sacrifices.

We have a priest

in heaven because

we cannot keep the law.


Photograph by Jacob Bentzinger via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


Mother’s Day After Abortion – Camille Cates at New Growth Press.


The Hidden Sorrow of Mother’s Day – David Bannon at Front Porch Republic.


The Ache for Home – Mary Grace Mangano at Comment Magazine.

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