Saturday, June 22, 2024

Saturday Good Reads - June 22, 2024

Hell hath no fury like the federal government scorned – or caught doing something embarrassing. The U.S. government has sought the extradition of Julian Assange since the Obama Administration. His crime: committing journalism. Had The New York Times done the same thing (and did, back in Daniel Ellsberg days), no federal agents would come banging at the door. But times change.  

Conservative journalist Christopher Rufo learned that Texas Children’s Hospital was doing what had been outlawed by the state legislature. He was given chapter and verse, with names blanked out, of children still being operated on for transgender purposes. He wrote about it, and wrote about it again. And the feds have now come for the young doctor who was his source, with a 10-count indictment. A legal defense fund has now been set up for the doctor.


“A government with a permanent deficit and a bloated military. A bogus ideology pushed by elites. Poor health among ordinary people. Senescent leaders. Sound familiar?” Historian Niall Ferguson explains how we’re all soviets now.


In 1861, Missouri stayed in the Union – barely. The governor tried to lead the state into secession. The move to join the Confederacy was stopped with bloodshed, and it happened here in St. Louis. Tonya McQuade at Emerging Civil War describes how the “Wide Awakes” helped keep Missouri in the Union. 


More Good Reads


Life and Culture


Speaking Responsibly about Religion and Politics: A Review of Who’s Afraid of Christian Nationalism? – Paul Kruse at Front Porch Republic.


Techno-Terror: If It Drives You to Drink, Have a Drink with Me – David Murray at Writing Boots.


News Media


Washington Post Foreign Desk, Accused of Pro-Hamas Bias, Teems with Al Jazeera Veterans – Joseph Simonson at the Washington Free Beacon.




Israel’s Double-Edged Sword (Part II) – Michael Oren at Clarity with Michael Oren.




Let’s Hear It for the Second Parents – Tim Challies.


O, Brother – Sean Dietrick at Sean of the South.


Observations on Exvangelicals and Deconstructing – Jake Meador at Mere Orthodoxy.


The Man Who Introduced Evangelicals to C.S. Lewis – Justin Taylor at The Gospel Coalition.


Writing and Literature


Shakespeare Wrote Shakespeare – Henry Oliver at The Common Reader.


Reading War and Peace in Both War and Peace – Joel Miller at Miller’s Book Review.


The Taste of Strawberries: Tolkien’s Imagination of the Good – Jeffrey Bilbro at The Imaginative Conservative.


Metaphor Magic: Wield Your Pen Like a Wand – Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach.


British Stuff


The Markets of Old London – Spitalfields Life.


Defend Christian private schools – Steve Beegoo at The Critic Magazine.




"Telling the Bees" by John Greenleaf Whittier – Sally Thomas at Poems Ancient and Modern.


The Lord is by My Side – CityAlight

Painting: A Good Read, oil on canvas by Theodoros Ralli (1852-1909).

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