Friday, September 20, 2024

All the things

After John 1:1-14

All the things

the word is:

The word is spoken.

The word is thought.

The word is felt.

The word is experienced.

The word is heard.

The word is read.

The word is shouted.

The word is understood.

The word is convicting.

The word is illuminating.

The word is judging.

The word is saving.

The word is enlightening.

The word is redeeming.

The word is creative.

The word is stabilizing.

The word was in the beginning.

The word is born.

The word always was.

The word always is.


Photograph by Bruno van der Kraan via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Friday Readings


Reason and Faith – poem by Adam Mickiewicz at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin).


Who’s Afraid of Romans 1? – Andy Hood at Mere Orthodoxy.


What Matters Most: The Little Things – poem by Joy Lenton at Poetry Joy.

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