Monday, September 30, 2024

"The Joy of Advent" by Rebecca and Stephen Grabill

Start with the Jesse Tree, an old tradition centered on Advent that connects the story and characters of the Old Testament to the birth of Christ. It takes its name from Jesse, the father of King David, through whose root or “stump” the Old Testament prophets said would come the promised Messiah. Over the years, the tradition grew to include ornaments, much like what we think of as a Christmas tree, except these were ornaments connected to or illustrating the Old Testament characters – Adam and Eve, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Joshua, David, and more. 

In their new devotional, The Joy of AdventRebecca and Stephen Grabill have used the Jesse Tree as an organizing principle for daily readings, study, and discussion. Like the Advent season itself, the readings stretch from the fourth Sunday before Christmas to the traditional date for Epiphany, or Jan. 6. It’s also designed for family use.


Rebecca Grabill
Each daily devotional follows the same format. First, teens and adults have a short Scripture passage to read followed by a personal reflection. A family celebration follows, with a Scripture passage, a specific Jesse Tree symbol and description, a song, a family reflection, a together time to discuss specific questions, and then an ending with prayer.


The book includes instructions for setting up a Jesse Tree, holiday recipes, background on key dates within the period, It’s aimed at Catholic families, but any Christian family can use it and find value.


Stephen Grabill

The Grabills, parents of six children, are the cofounders of The Joy of Advent, a program which has taken them from churches and schools in the United States to Sub-Saharan Africa. Rebecca Grabill is also the author of several children’s books, and she blogs at The Joyful Mess. The Joy of Advent book is beautifully illustrated by Clare Therese Gray, an author, illustrator, and pattern designer. 


If you’re looking for a family resource for Advent, The Joy of Advent is a great possibility. And you can learn about the Jesse Tree, and the connections between the Old and New Testaments.

Some Monday Readings


Democracy in America: An Introduction – Roger Kimball at The New Criterion.


Me and McCloskey – Glenn McCarty at Story Warren.


St. Michael, St. Galgano, and the Sword in the Stone – Dwight Longenecker at The Imaginative Conservative.


The Return of Benjamin Pollock – Spitalfields Life.


Unmasking Evil: The Startling Revelations of a WWII Massacre – Jason Clark at This is the Day.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the recommendation Glynn. I started last month preparing for the Christmas season by using Alistair Begg's new devotional. I am reusing Greg Laurie's and Paul Tripp's this month. In November I plan to revisit Begg's again.
