Sunday, January 19, 2025

Healed by wound

After I Peter 2:18-25

A slap, a punch,

a spitting upon,

a beating, ridicule,

chains on wrists

and ankles, jeering,

stripped bare, laid

against wood, nails

in hands or wrists,

display for the mob,

the terrible thirst,

the stain of blackness,

the turning away,

the piercing of the side,

the fleeing of friends,

the death. It is 

by these wounds that

we are healed. 

Nothing else suffices. 


Photograph by Soheyl Dehghani via Unsplash. Used with permission.

Some Sunday Readings


Why a Jealous God is the Best Kind – Sani Langston at Becoming Rooted in Your Identity.


Biblical Theology Is for Nerds – Joe Carter at The Gospel Coalition.


The Quiet Time Kickstart – Tom Challies.


Death Is But a Passing – poem by Roy Peterson at Society of Classical Poets.


Exemplary – poem by Glenn Arbery at First Things Magazine.

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