Saturday, January 11, 2025

Saturday Good Reads - Jan. 11, 2025

Tim Challies is a Canadian who writes on faith and theology. I’ve been following his work for a decade or more, and I can’t remember a time when he commented on politics. That changed this week. Read his Trump, Trudeau, and the 51stState. The Trudeau government has been up to no good when it comes to churches in Canada. 

The FBI finally released its Inspector General’s report on the origin of the so-called Russiagate story that so dominated the first Trump Administration. What was known before the report that the FBI didn’t exactly cover itself in investigative glory; in fact, it looked like an arm of a political party. Well, the report was released. Sort of. Matt Taibbi at Racket News asks the salient question: Why is Russiagate’s Origin Story Redacted?


If I had a list of my Top 10 all-time favorite books, then Peter Brown’s biography of St. Augustine would be on it. I read it about 40 years ago, and I still have it. It’s a combination of history and biography that reads almost like a novel. Case Thorp at Mere Orthodoxy looks at Brown’s autobiography, and it sounds like it reads the same way.


More Good Reads


British Stuff


The liberal establishment is to blame for public outrage – Sebastian Milbank at The Critic Magazine.


The Biggest Peacetime Crime – and Coverup – in British History – Dominic Green at The Free Press.


The gardens that had to make way for London’s growth – Damian Thompson at Apollo. 




Is The Sea of Faith Coming Back In? Or Is It a Spiritual Tsunami? – Stewart McAlpine.


Is Eastern Orthodoxy the Next Big Thing for Young Men? – Trevin Wax at The Gospel Coalition.


Life and Culture


‘Globalize the Intifada’ Comes to New Orleans – editorial by The Free Press.


A Future Worthy of Life: Houellebecq, Decadence, and Sacraments – Brad East at Mere Orthodoxy.




The Poet and the World, Nobel Prize lecture by Wislawa Szymborska – Poetic Outlaws. 


At Hand – Luke Harvey at Rabbit Room Poetry.


Keeping Anna Akhmatova Alive – Sandra Heska King at Every Day Poems.


“Now Winter Nights Enlarge,” poem by Thomas Campion – Sally Thomas at Poems Ancient and Modern.


Home Burial – Robert Frost at The Imaginative Conservative.


American Stuff


War Power: Literature and the State in Civil War by Philip Gould – reviewed by Stephen Cushman at Emerging Civil War.


Booknotes: Building a House Divided: Slavery, Western Expansion, and the Roots of the Civil War by Stephen Hyslop– Civil War Books and Authors. 


Writing and Literature


The Editor Who Drove Hemingway Away – Emily Zarevich at JSTOR Daily.


One hundred years of Theodore Dreiser’s An American Tragedy – D.J. Taylor at The Spectator.


The Colour Out of Space – Sara Barkat.


Photograph: The Painter’s Wife, Reading, oil on canvas by Carl Holsoe (1863-1935). 

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