Saturday, February 8, 2025

Saturday Good Reads - Feb. 8, 2025

We all know, or should know, who Aslan the Lion represents in The Chronicles of Narnia; C.S. Lewis wasn’t exactly subtle.  But the concept of the lion and what it represents includes more than we may not be aware of, and Andrew Klavan at The New Jerusalem describes it in “The Theology of the Lion.” 

In 2015, two activist journalists documented that Planned Parenthood of California was selling unborn baby parts, in violation of federal and even state law. The then-attorney general of California, who went on to become Vice President in 2020, took action – against the journalists. Ten years later, the state of California dropped all felony charges


Like everyone else, I’ve been watching the rollout of revelations about what USAID funded, didn’t fund, funded but not in the way it’s been publicized, and so on down the list. Yes, there was money diverted from humanitarian to terrorist groups, like to build tunnels in Gaza. Yes, no one intended hundreds of millions of dollars to be spent on irrigation systems for poppy fields in Afghanistan. Yes, $8.2 million went to Politico, but it was all for subscriptions (and it was different purposes for funding for The New York Times, BBC, Associated Press, and Christianity Today). But while USAID did funnel money into the EcoHealth Alliance and thus on to the Wuhan lab of COVID fame, it wasn’t USAID that provided $10 million to create transgender lab animals like rats, mice, and monkeys. 


More Good Reads




The Sacred Year – Andrew at The Saxon Cross.


“Acquainted With the Night,” poem by Robert Frost – Sally Thomas at Poems Ancient and Modern.


British Stuff


‘I Risked Everything to Blow the Whistle on Britain’s Grooming Gangs’ – Maggie Oliver at The Free Press.

News Media


The Media is Busted – Matt Taibbi at Racket News. 



Close and Slow: More on Poet Michael Longley – Andrew Roycroft at The Sounding Board.


The Poetry Lifeline – Sandra Heska King at Every Day Poems.


“Undelivered Mail,” poem by Rhina Espaillat – Joseph Bottum at Poems Ancient and Modern.


Rhina Espaillat Poetry Award open for submissions – Plough Quarterly. 




Homes before schools: Parental influence ‘often ignored’ yet key to children’s education, report finds –Shanxi Omoniyi at The Lion.


How Scientific American sacrificed science for progressive politics – Cory Franklin at New York Post.


The Sad Saga of Bud Light – Anson Frericks at The Free Press.


American Stuff


Book Review: The Massacre at St. Louis: The Road to the Camp Jackson Affair and Civil War – Phil Greenwalt at Emerging Civil War.




Change – Sonja Benskin Mesher.


Writing and Literature


Between Beasts and Angels: A Medical Pilgrimage with Walker Percy – Ethan Schimmoeller at Church Life Journal.


In Praise of the Inefficient – Ethan Jones at Front Porch Republic.


The Forms of Fiction – John Wilson at Prufrock.


How a Storyteller’s Made: The Salmon, The Crocodile & The Selkie – Martin Shaw at Jawbone (video).


All Things – Sovereign Grace

Painting: A Woman Reading by the glow of a candle, oil on canvas by Poul Friis Nybo (1869-1929).

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