After I Peter 5:1-4
Shepherd the people given
you to lead; be watchmen,
not tyrants. Don’t lead
because you think you’re
forced to, but with the willing
spirit God has given you.
Leadership is not about
personal gain or enrichment,
a shameful thing. But with
an eager, serving spirit and
desire to serve, lead
by example, by being what
you want your flock to be.
Walk with your flock,
guide your flock, love
you flock, the chosen ones.
Do this, and the crown
of glory is yours.
Photograph by Biegun Wschodni via Unsplash. Used with permission.
Some Friday Readings
Good to Go! – Mark Daniels.
Genuflection – poem by Gilbert Luis R. Centina III at Kingdom Poets (D.S. Martin).
The Holy Art of the Edit – Andrew Roycroft at New Grub Street.
Your Son Got in Trouble at School: A Case Study in Tribalism – Samuel D. James at Digital Liturgies.
The Good News About Being a Sheep – Michael Kelley at Forward Progress.
That's what servant leadership should look like. Beautifully said here, Glynn!