Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The 17th Day of Community: Kelly Sauer

This is how Kelly Sauer introduces herself on her blog, This Restless Heart:

“This is me, photographer, writer, wife, mama to two; struggling to be; every day desperate in need of Jesus; writing from here.

“I dream big, fall hard, live on grace, and change diapers.”

Several months ago, I came across Kelly’s writing the usual way you do on the web. You’re following someone, someone leaves a comment; you click on the someone’s link, and then find yourself in an entirely new world. That’s what happened to me when I clicked on the link to her blog.

She writes about her family – her husband Peter, young daughter Piper and new baby son Bredon. (She posted a five-year slide show on their life together this week.) She writes about her faith. She writes about her struggles.

What struck me about Kelly were the openness and the honesty of her writing. It is all right there in front of you. Some days I read her posts and afterward, I just sit, staring the computer screen, marveling at the beauty of the words and how she opens her heart.

And then there’s her photography.

She’s a professional photographer. She does wedding photos like you’ve never seen wedding photos, capturing joy and reality and romance. She photographs her children and Pete, and every photograph says “love” (it’s amazing how she does that). And then there are photographs like Good Gifts, photographs that blow your socks off.

So visit her blog. Follow her on Twitter. See where she and Peter and their family are going on their journey. You’ll find yourself signing up for the trip, too.

(In December, a number of us participating in the “Twelve Days of Community” - see the button at the top right - sponsored by The High Calling Blogs. The purpose was to highlight the blog or web site of someone other than ourselves during the season of Advent and Christmas. I liked the idea so much that I’m going to continue to do that -- highlight a blog or web site of a person whose thoughts and writing have had an impact on me and others.)


  1. Kelly is such a beautiful soul. She's one of my favorite reads :)

  2. Oh Glynn; I did not expect this! Thank you so much for your kind words today. I am so encouraged!

  3. Oh, Kelly is such a gift, is she not? I have been there, staring at the screen after she cuts me wide open with her words. She is a true beauty.

  4. A beautiful tribute to a beautiful young woman ...

  5. Agree, 100%! I am so blessed to have met Kelly via this bloggy world. Her honesty blows me away time and time again.

  6. wonderful post, glynn.
    and all true.
    kelly has a beautiful heart and it shows through her blogs.

  7. I have the same experience of finding and enjoy Kelly's words, Glynn. What an apt introduction of such a sweetheart, who shares her heart and soul so well.

  8. As you may know, I love Kelly's work. Hey, you could do a version of this for our artist profile on her at HCB.

  9. She also writes some pretty swell poetry.

    Lovely portrait you've drawn, Glynn.

  10. Yes, Kelly. Something else, she is.

    Thanks, Glynn, for noticing her out loud.

  11. I could not agree more! Everytime I read her blog, I am encouraged. Her honesty about her life and where she is helps me to look at my life and be honest about where I am.

  12. Kelly is a light in my life. I am so grateful to have found her beautiful weblog, wherein she gifts us a piece of her lovely restless heart.

  13. You're right! Kelly's blog is every way. I am honored that she'll be guest posting on my blog this month!
