Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday Good Reads

Some of the good posts I found on web sites and blogs in the past week:


She, Stirring” by Melissa at All the Words.

"Poetry Works," four poems by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.

"Santorini, a meditation on life," by Justinian at Discount Verbiage. Also “The Night.”

Freya Manfred’s “Green Pear Tree in September,” published by U.S. Poet Laureate Ted Kooser at his American Life in Poetry.

What Light Reveals,” by Diane Walker at Contemplative Poetry.

"Reunions: Father, July 18, 1990," by Maureen Doallas. She was worried that this one might be too personal. It was personal, but she did what poets do – she turned the personal into the universal.

"Chronos of Love," new poem by @PhoenixKarenee.

"West Washington," by Missy K. Along with Melissa’s and Maureen’s poems noted above, this one by Missy K is one of the “Life on the Street” poems featured at The High Calling blogs on Friday. They’re all worth reading.


Jeff Jordan’s “Of Boats and Bags and the Search for Faithfulness.”

David Mikics’ guide for reading “Ozymandias” by Percy Bysshe Shelley. An outstanding piece of criticism (even I could understand it).

A completely new use for mouthwash. “You might not want to kiss me hello,” by Helen at Random Musings.

"Welcome, Memory," by Brian Volck at The Image Blog. A comment at a dinner unlocks a “memory garden.”

"Uncommon Courtesy," by Dan Wooldridge at Inside Work. Grace happens on an airplane.

"Navigating," by Corinne at Trains, Tutus and Tea. A mother defends her son.

Kathleen Overby’s "Spring Scrabble." She wants to play.


  1. So much good in one spot! I need to catch these more often!

  2. Going to go get some oatmeal and bring it back. These reads will keep me busy awhile!

  3. Posts much too good to pass up. I'm so pleased to see that Diane and Louise get a shout-out.

    I look forward to these Saturday posts of yours. Such a great way to build community-- and you have a particular talent for it. Thank you!

    (I'm awed by the comments on my poem.)

    Have a great weekend.

  4. I love that you post these on weekends when my blog reader is often woefully empty. :)

  5. Lots of tears, then laughter and ruminating for dessert. Thanks Glynn, for the smorgasbord... :)

  6. once again you've brought us gifts ...

  7. Oh my... what a list! I'll have to work my way through tonight :) (thank you!!)

  8. Thank you for including my mouthwash post on your list.

  9. And thank you Glynn for including my poems here!

    And... I spent time with friends this weekend who, like you, share that remarkable place of 'new grandparenthood!'. What a joy to be amidst such joy and jubilation. They made me smile and feel warm. Just like you do!

