Saturday, March 27, 2010

Saturday Good Reads

Many good things happened online this past week. Here are a only a few of them, including links to three videos and a painting.


Whispering Words,” by Shaun Masterton.

Louise Gallagher’s “Soul Dances.”

Two by Melissa at All the Words: “Redbeard the Pirate Cow” and “Nothing More.”

Kathleen Overby's "Sprouting."

Dreams” by Susan Etole.

"Eternal" by Erin at Together for Good.

Haunting” by Justinian at Discount Verbiage.

nAncY’s “On Top of the World” at Poems and Prayers.

Phoenix Karenee’s “Pray.”

Leslie Moon’s “Drowning My Sorrows.”


"What Keeps Me Here" (in the Catholic Church) by Jessica Griffith at the Image Journal. (For the record, I'm not Catholic, but this is worth reading by all of us.)

Thinking about Columbine, Sandra Heska King’s “Faithful to the End.”

What we often miss: “Life’s Great Tragedy” by Billy Coffey.

The need to be gentle with a son: Jeff Johnson’s “In Sickness and in Health.”

"Do I Still Get a Lollipop at the Doctor’s Office?" Matt at The Church of No People takes a look at the health care legislation debate.

How Emily Dickinson’s poetry speaks to leadership: "The Poetic Language of Leadership," interview of Prof. Roger Lundin of Wheaton by Christopher Benson at Evangel.

Learning, as an adult, that you have Attention Deficit Disorder. "Being me (and being you)," by Kathy Richards at Hey Look, A Chicken.

Gardening as Autobiography” by Amy Sorrells.


Every family has moments like this one, and they're priceless: "Nowhere Man Gets a Little Lost," by Sippican Cottage.

If this were a novel, it's title would be "The Rich Also Have a Sense of Humor." Slate V: Warren Buffett as Axl Rose in an ad for GEICO.

Set whatever feelings you have for the health care legislation aside, and look at the sheer creativity of this: "Something Wonderful: Patrick Henry Redux," posted at American Digest.


"Across a winter field," oil on panel, Randall David Tipton. And Maureen Doallas has part 1 of an interview with Tipton on her blog, Writing Without Paper. (If you've never read her interviews, you will discover that they are works of art in and of themselves.)


  1. Thanks for the mention, Glynn. I'm honored to be mentioned in such company. I missed many of these posts, so I'll have to check them out!

  2. What a wonderful feast!

    Thank you for including me. If you could see through the screen, you'd see I'm blushing. Your words honor me.

  3. Oh my word! I about fell off my chair. Stunned. You have really blessed me this morning.

  4. oh you!

    now...i see a few things i want to check out on this list of yours...

  5. What a fun Saturday surprise ... blessings to you

  6. Thank you for the mention Glynn. Can't wait to read the ones on here that missed. :)
