Thursday, April 8, 2010

The 26th Day of Community: Erin Kilmer

You have to wonder about a mom who has kids named Bubs, Stinky the Pyromaniac, and Little One. I can understand names like Bubs and Little One, but Stinky the Pyromaniac, predicted to burn down the state of Iowa one day? Who would nickname a child that? (Only a mother who really knows.) (For some odd reason, I think she identifies with Stinky.)

Erin Kilmer blogs at Together for Good. She’s a wife (to husband Art), mother of the aforementioned three, a writer and a poet. She also takes photographs, mostly of the family she’s obviously crazy about (see "Behold the Easter Cuteness").

She tells stories with humor (read “The Rat” or “Maybe I Should Change My Blog’s Title to Together for Random”); she tells stories with deep insight (“On My Head” or “They Are Listening”); and with love and pride in family spilling out all over the place (“The Spelling Bee” or “In Which the Pictures Are as Overwhelming as the Lack of Content”). We also know her children come by it honestly (“Because You Needed Proof of the Crazy”).

Then there are her poems.

Erin is a regular contributor to our poetry jams on Twitter, which we assemble over at TweetSpeak Poetry. But take a look at her poetry blog to see what she writes and how she writes. Take a look at “Branch,” “To That Humble Cot Upon Which I Daily Lay My Head” (a sonnet!), “Us, Together,” and “Boundaries.” You will be challenged, encouraged, impressed and moved – and often all in the same poem.

So check out Erin’s blog and poetry blog, and follow her on Twitter. It will be difficult to miss her incredible enthusiasm for family, for life and for God.

(In December, a number of us participated in the “Twelve Days of Community” - see the button at the top right - sponsored by The High Calling Blogs. The purpose was to highlight the blog or web site of someone other than ourselves during the season of Advent and Christmas. I liked the idea so much that I’m continuing to do that -- highlight a blog or web site of a person whose thoughts and writing have had an impact on me and others.)


  1. Erin is making memories to honor true homemaking.
    She is a delight. It is so fun to watch all these families grow up. Her writing shines with enthusiasm and life.

  2. Great post, Glynn!

    I just Love Erin ♥

  3. Glynn, you are such an encourager to the blogger community!

    I see Erin's comments around town, but now that I know more about her, will visit over to her house. Together, for good. I like that.

  4. And I got to meet Erin back before I knew she was all this, before she had kids and I was aware of myself - we hardly remember the meeting, but hey, how many people do you get to meet that you know on the Interwebs? Great post, Glynn - SO glad to see Erin at your place too! She's so awesome...

  5. Her heart and passion are obvious. Great highlight. I clicked on all your links!

    David@Red Letter Believers.

  6. Every time you write one of these lovely posts our community grows. And now when I see Erin's comments, I'll feel I know her a little better.

    Thank you.

  7. Glynn, between you and Marueen, I've renamed Friday from just 'Any 'ole day of the week Friday' to 'Freakin Fantastic Friday!!!!!'.

    It is such a joy to find these treasures and get to meet amazing human beings doing absolutely brilliant work -- any day of the week.


  8. Look forward to meeting her ...

  9. Oh my goodness, Glynn, what an honor to be included here. You are very kind. :) Thanks for emailing me; I was gone all day yesterday and might have not gotten to see this till who knows when. :)
