Saturday, May 22, 2010

Saturday Good Reads

It was a good week to be reading posts on the web.


Paperback Mood” by Heather Truett at Madame Rubies Writes.

I thirst” by Melissa at All the Words and “Planning in Prose” at The Far Blue Hills.

Journey’s End” by Pete Marshall.

Dad” by Bob at Wilderness Fandango.

Noisy Nature” by Nancy Kourmoulis at Treasures of Darkness.

Reality” by Erin Kilmer at Together for Good Poetry.

What the Renaissance Forgot to Renew” by Fred Sprinkle at I Force It to Rhyme.

Beaten-Broken-Bleeding” and “Memorial for Love” by Leslie Moon at Moondustwriter.

A Kiss – Grace This” by Anne Lang Bundy.

The alchemist” and “The dark” by Justinian at Delight and Glory and Oddity and Light.

I Called” by Mike Bullock at Versical Rhymes.


The Story We Write” and “Where's the Fountain Free?” by Jeff Jordan at To My Children, If They Are Listening.

Want to get to know somebody? Understand their story” by Don Miller.

A Boy Named Day” by David Griffith at The Image Journal.

The 60s and the Evolution of Liberalism” by David Koyzis at Evangel.

Stealing Time” by Laura Boggess at The Wellspring.

Let Go” by Jeanne Damoff for The Master’s Artist.

The miracle in seven years” by Louise Gallagher at Recover Your Joy.

Interview with Artist Harold Sikkema” by Maureen Doallas at Writing Without Paper.

"Mike and Sarah" by Billy Coffey.

And the post that had me checking the back of my head for thinning hair: “From Hair to Eternity: The Summer Sky Mall Catalog” by Kathy Richards.


  1. Ah...some of my faves as well.

    Thanks for the shout out. And remember -- just say no to the comb over!

  2. Thank you!

    Rain is coming, so the items on your list I haven't read yet will get my time today.

  3. thank you for the links.

    i have read a few of these, and they were really good.

    and i hope to get to the rest of 'em.

  4. From my heart to your heart, thank you.

  5. You know this is likely to provoke more poetry from me ... :D

    Thanks, Glynn. I'm honored.

  6. Thanks for the inclusion Glynn. Makes me smile. :)
